The FDA has approved Plan B® One-Step, a new one-pill formulation of the emergency contraceptive Plan B.
Plan B® One-Step is one progestin-only pill (1.5 mg levonorgestrel) you take as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse (most effective within the first 24 hours). The i-Pill
And speaking of new FDA approvals, the FDA also approved Next Choice™, a generic version of the original two-pill Plan B® formulation.
All clear? Let's review:
Plan B -- 2 pills (0.75 mg levonorgestrel/pill); take both pills at the same time as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, up to 120 hours. **Plan B had been discontinued.**
Next Choice™ [Plan B generic version] -- 2 pills (0.75 mg levonorgestrel/pill); take both pills at the same time as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, up to 120 hours.
Plan B® One-Step/i-Pill -- 1 pill (1.5 mg levonorgestrel); take the pill as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, up to 120 hours.
Oh, and in case you forgot:
Although ACOG is encouraged by recent FDA actions, it reiterates its long-held position that there is no valid scientific or medical reason to impose an age restriction on the availability of EC because it is safe and effective for adolescents and women of all ages. ACOG again urges the FDA to withdraw the age restriction altogether and eliminate the behind-the-counter status for EC.
Check out the i-Pill Emergency Contraceptive Pill
ETA: I've added the information about the i-Pill to the original post.