The following tips are the best ways to recharge your energy levels.
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo is shared by Alexander Steinhof
Tip #1 – Get up and Move
For those of you who work behind a desk or a cash register all day, it can be really easy to fall victim to the afternoon energy drain. Health and fitness experts recommend you get up and walk around your desk or the office. This will help to break the monotony of sitting and gets your circulation moving.Tip #2 – Avoid High Sugar and Caffeine Drinks
Energy, coffee, tea and soft drinks are usually all loaded with sugar and caffeine. They may seem to help with your energy levels for the moment, but will lead you right into a big crash later. Your body does not actually have the energy, it is just being tricked by the substances you are putting in it.Tip #3 – Choose Vitamin Drinks for Energy
For a true energy boost it is better to pick drinks that are providing your body with energy from vitamins instead of sugar and caffeine. Your body will digest and absorb the beneficial vitamin and convert it into lasting energy without the crash licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo is shared by 1D110
Tip #4 – Don’t Skip Breakfast
One sure way to hit the Wall is by skipping breakfast. Eating a well-balanced breakfast will keep your body running throughout the day. However, your breakfast should not be a doughnut and a cola drink. You should include whole grains, protein, fruit and vegetables. For example, a breakfast consisting of a vegetable egg white omelet and a small bowl of oatmeal with fresh blueberries should keep you going until licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo is shared by NYC.andre
Tip #5 – Snack Healthy
Another way to jumpstart your afternoon energy level is by choosing the proper snacks. Candy and chips will not cut it. They are only empty carbs and are only a temporary fix. Pick healthy options that are loaded with nutrients such as nuts, honey sweetened granola and even low fat cheese.Tip #6 – Get Your Energy Rest
Many people like to call it, “Getting your beauty rest.” However, sleeping seven to eight hours at night will help to keep your body energized all day. Also, if you have a place to sneak it in, a five to ten minute power nap can make a huge difference as well.This article was written by the people at, the online leader in climbing equipment, cords, and ropes.