Enlightened by Lucuma

Today I had one of my food orgasms. I was on my way to university when I passed Vantra on SoHo Street and stopped to get a take away "coffee". I decided to go for a cream latte made on oat milk, soy and coconut cream, palm sugar and lucuma powder. Oh My God.

It wasn't just like having a foodgasm, it was like having bags of golden cake mix dancing around in my mouth with the music on really loud. It was wonderful. I actually had to stop in the middle of Oxford Street and just sip and enjoy.

Now, some of you might be thinking: What exactly is Lucuma?

Lucuma is a yellow fruit which grows on a high altitude in Peru and Chile, preferably on the mountain tops. It has a wonderful smell and has actually been described as tasting like "maple-syrup flavoured ice-cream" - in fact, it is the most popular ice-cream taste in Peru! In Latin America it is known as the "Gold of the Incas", and it has loads of beta-carotene, niacin (Vitamin B3)and iron.
You can find out more information about its nutritional value and history here.

I can't really describe the taste more than saying it's like eating precious angel wings so just go and try it for yourself.