4 Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Though it can feel good to have the sun's rays shining down on your body it can also be very dangerous if you don’t take steps to protect your skin. The warm sunshine may feel nice now but will not look nice later when the skin prematurely ages and the possibility of skin cancer arises.

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Stay Out Of The Sun

The first way to protect the skin from the sun is simply to stay out of it as much as possible. This does not mean you have to stay inside all of the time, it simply means you should exercise caution when spending time in direct sunlight. If you are spending time at the beach try to spend a majority of the time in the shade like under an awning at a beach pavilion or a large beach umbrella.

Wear Sun Protective Clothing

Another way to protect one's skin from the damaging rays of the sun is to cover up with clothing. Instead of going bare chested at the beach, try covering up with a t shirt. There are also sunscreens that can be added to a wash cycle. That can add sun protection to the clothes so they offer even greater protection.

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Wear Sunscreen

The most important things to do when spending time outdoors in the sun is to wear sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen is the only way to keep the sun's rays from damaging the skin when your skin is exposed to them. Try to put on sunscreen every morning before leaving the house and remember that the term SPF references how much time the sunscreen will be effective for. If a sunscreen is SPF 30 it means that it will protect the skin for 30 minutes before losing it's effectiveness. Taking a bottle or tube of sunscreen and reapplying during the day is the only way to ensure continuous sun protection.

Sun Protection Window Tinting

People who drive tend to have more sun damage on the left side of their face and arms than on the right side. This is because people who drive expose their left hand to the sun as it is streaming through the car window. Luckily there are window tinting kits that can be used to block out the harmful rays of the sun and stop them from reaching the body while driving in the car.

This article was written by JustRopes.com, the online leaders in climbing rope.